And the Angels Rejoice

By Nella Dietz

This most recent Awana night was so very special.  The night was going along as it normally does, except the only difference about this night… is four children asked Jesus into their hearts!  Praise God! Hallelujah! Four more precious hearts were won over by the love of Christ.


Normally Margaret Michels is the one to lead the kids in the Salvation talk, but she was gracious enough to pass the torch over to me this time.  I jumped at the opportunity. It is such a blessing to watch kids make the biggest decision in their whole entire life.


As you all know, I am not one to get very nervous in front of a crowd.  I have been on stage singing since I was four years old, and that is one of the places I feel most comfortable and at home.  Kids can be a little frightening though. They are blunt and perfectly outspoken. Let’s just say that you know if they aren’t enjoying an activity or task!  So, we as leaders must be on top of our game!


As I started to tell them my testimony about how I became a Christian, I realized it was like I was talking to my younger self.  Boy, could I have saved myself from many mistakes and heartaches if I could have actually talked to my younger self. I am smart enough to know that my past is what prepared my heart for this moment, because I could talk from experience and compassion.  The words just started flowing. God had a specific purpose for me in that exact moment, and when I trusted him, the nerves just faded.


I explained to them that I have been a Christian since I can remember.  Growing up as a daughter of the pastor, I never doubted that Jesus existed.  I shared with them that just because I was a Christian and a pastor’s kid, didn’t mean that I wasn’t going to experience the dangers and heartaches of this world.  It certainly didn’t mean that I would make the right decisions all the time either. That is why God was so important to me. He loved me enough to send His beloved Son to die for each and every sin of mine.  


Margaret wrote down a couple of facts that really put God’s mercy into perspective.  One of the examples was if we were to sin 5 times a day for every week in a year, we would have sinned 1,820 times in a year.  If you live to be 90, you may have sinned up to 163,800 times before you die. I don’t know about any of you, but if someone were to hurt me 163,800 times in their lifetime…it would be extremely hard to find any sort of compassion for them.  Then again, I am human. I am definitely not God. But that is exactly why we need Him.


God loves us so much that He knew every sin we would commit against Him, and He still chose to send His Son and die for each and every one of us.  He would do anything to be with us, but He would never force Himself to be the center of our lives. We choose Him, and that’s why it’s such a special day in heaven when we do!


I wanted them to know that God handpicked our parents out just for us, but that they won’t always be able to be there for us.  No matter how much they wish they could, and that’s another great thing about God. He is ALWAYS and FOREVER by our side. He will never leave us nor forsake us.  They learned that their thoughts are the same as actions to our Lord. If you think about murdering someone, you have committed murder in God’s eyes. God takes our hearts very seriously because He made them.  He wants to know that we are taking very good care of the life He has given us.


The most important thing that I could share with them is that God will love them no matter what!  Nothing they could think or do will make God love them any more or less than He does right at this very moment.  It will be that way for the rest of the days of their lives, whether they choose to follow Him or not. But should they choose to follow Him, no other choice in this life will compare to that one.  The best part was hearing their little voices repeat after me the prayer to accept Christ into their hearts. Every child in that sanctuary, if they weren’t already a Christian, was one before they left.


I want to thank everyone that was there for the children that night, and got to share in the experience.  Also, to the helpers that couldn’t be there…thank you. Every person there that comes into these children’s lives has made a positive impact for our Lord and Savior.  We are earning jewels in our crowns, brothers and sisters, and more importantly we are making Him smile! May God Bless you!